Onsite – Volume solution

Manpower's Onsite solution enable us to work with our clients in making larger additions to staff numbers – Just-In-Time


Increase your staffing capability

Manpower's Onsite solution enables us to work with our clients in making larger additions to staff numbers – Just-In-Time. Our onsite solution frees up time for you to focus on your core operations while increasing quality and productivity through better access to skills. We have extensive experience in creating customized onsite solutions with continuous improvements and measurable effects to achieve cost efficiency for our clients. The solution means increased flexibility for your staffing and we help you coordinate staffing needs and needs for skills. Through a customized collaborative model and clear implementation and timetables, the foundation for good collaboration is laid, between our clients and those of us at Manpower.


Hur lång tid tar det att implementera en Onsite lösning med er?

Från det att ett avtal är tecknat, så tar det 2-3 veckor innan lösningen är i full drift. 

Vad får vi om vi väljer Manpowers lösning?

  • Du får bättre tillgång till attraktiv kompetens som är kvalitetssäkrad, vilket gör att du istället kan fokusera på din kärnverksamhet. Vi arbetar med ett digitalt arbetssätt i alla led, med de senaste verktygen för att skapa en positiv upplevelse för kandidaterna.
  • En seriös partner med fokus på kund, konsult och kandidat. En dedikerad rekryteringsorganisation som arbetar proaktivt med attraktion och kvalitetssäkring av kandidater.
  • Ett dedikerat kundteam och en kundanpassad affärsmodell utifrån er verksamhet.
  • Med musklerna som en global organisation men med en lokal närvaro och lokal förankring med hög kunskap om den lokala marknaden.
  • Partnerskap; Vi investerar mycket tid i våra kunder, fokus för oss är att bygga partnerskap med varje unik kund. 

What kind of support do we get from you as a partner in the different parts of the solution?

A full-scale solution that takes responsibility for attracting applicants, staff planning, consultant satisfaction, efficient and value-creating presence with continuous improvements and measurable results. We contribute with our experience and expertise from similar solutions to ensure the continued development of our joint solution.

Who will our contact be with you?

We always set up a dedicated customer team with a clear collaborative model to suit your organization. 

What do we need to invest in collaboration regarding time?

Manpower takes full responsibility for administering collaboration and implementation. It's our experience that you will need to invest about 10 hours in collaborative activities and implementation. 

How much does it cost?

Click here and we'll tell you more. 

John Doe

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