Looking for a Prepare and Match provider?

Fill in the form below, and we'll contact you to talk about how we can support you, and how to select Manpower as provider. Want to know more about the program Prepare and Match? Click Read more below!

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Interested in participating in our program for Prepare and Match?

  1. You need to be registered with Arbetsförmedlingen to apply for the program.
  2. If you're registered with Arbetsförmedlingen, fill in the form below and we'll contact you. 

Looking for a job?

Contact us here instead >


If you'd like to call us to talk about Prepare and Match, please ring:

+46 20-24 40 00


How Prepare and Match with Manpower works

Click the video (it's in Swedish) to see how we can help you as a Prepare and Match participant to find a new job, or education, quickly. If you really want a new job, welcome to Manpower!